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Subway security market prospects and development trends

News Source:    Date:2013-12-15    Hit:1922

Explosion-proof security device refers to airports, customs, railway stations, public security institutions and other places, for the prevention and suppression of cases of explosions, shootings, and other attack occurred, and thus the goods, persons, venues and collectively carry items to a security check equipment. By volume and applications can be divided into large, medium and small equipment, large-scale screening equipment used to check goods, such as customs, airport, railway desired container / vehicle detection, high technical requirements; medium-sized equipment currently used in passenger baggage and personal testing, mainly some small equipment easy to move and portable handheld devices. From the product categories, including security, explosion-proof disposal and anti-terrorism equipment three categories, including security equipment including X-ray machine, security doors, hand-held metal detector, through the metal detector, liquid detectors, explosive detectors, Metal detectors (door), etc., including explosion-proof equipment disposal tank, explosion-proof blankets, robot, explosive scene investigation, dangerous goods storage tanks and ancillary facilities, and anti-terrorism equipment including portable frequency jamming devices, gas detectors, etc. .
With the security level of urban rail transport increased security equipment used in urban rail site gradually increased and the 2012 application market grew significantly in the fields. New construction and renovation and expansion of airport security equipment demand is an important driving force to promote market growth at present in the field of security. In fact, the rapid growth of China's explosion-proof security equipment market, it is driven by the airport security. After the United States, "911", in order to strengthen airport security-building, including security doors, metal detectors and other security products, including the application of a significant increase. Beginning in 2004, the security system in the implementation of the National Court. In 2008, under the direct promotion of the Beijing Olympic Games security rating, the Beijing subway began to implement baggage screening, channel X-ray security apparatus has been applied, then the subway in Shanghai and other places also started the promotion. Applications stadiums, convention centers, tourist attractions steady growth in 2012, with a certain scale security equipment procurement project includes updating the Olympic Park, the Great Hall of security equipment procurement.
Subway security market focus
Since 2009, the country launched a total of miles of subway lines to show rapid growth. By the end of 2012, the national rail operator total mileage of 2042 km, more than 1677 km in 2011 grew 21.76%. 2012, there are 35 cities in the construction of rail lines. 2013, Xi'an, Tianjin, Chongqing, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Kunming, Qingdao, Wuxi and Dongguan 10 more cities will be granted a new round of rail transit construction plan, the city of Xuzhou, Wenzhou and other cities will be approved as new .
It is understood that China has become the world's largest urban rail transit construction market, urban rail transit rapid-style development, so that the security system subway construction, operation and management of the importance of security has become increasingly prominent. As an important part of the urban rail transport safety and security, the role of safety inspection products and technologies in rail transport operations will grow. Therefore, subway security become a security equipment application market potential, especially in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities, higher security rating, so the subway lines supporting the relevant proof of the most complete security equipment.
Typically common site (without transfer) at least two sets of security equipment (including channel X-ray baggage screening machines, handheld metal detectors, desktop liquid dangerous goods tester, etc.). According to the bidding Beijing Line 6 project estimates data security equipment, equipment investment totaled 32.058 million, construction 16.667 million yuan investment. Line 6 a project launched in December 2012, the line length of 30.7 km, station number 20, the average security investment in equipment was 1.603 million yuan each station. Security equipment Metro Line 10 Phase II average of 1.24 million yuan each site.
Trend: professional, intelligent, service-oriented, integrated
Security products will be required to meet more specific needs of different applications. Such as the flow of people concentrated in large train stations, subway stations and airports, requires security products with faster throughput speed in identifying more precisely on the basis of stability at the same time. Airport security facilities are required between whole security system and networked integration. With security products are increasingly used in industrial and mining enterprises, the ability to identify the metal objects is also rising.
Security equipment intelligent direction of development. Currently the subway and other occasions to invest in security aspects include not only the acquisition of appropriate security equipment, the need to increase the corresponding security personnel. With the increase of testing methods, increase the complexity of the security staff of professional quality requirements will be improved, rising security costs. Therefore, the development of more intelligent means of inspection, improve the efficiency of security personnel important direction is to develop a screening device.
Leasing will become increasingly common. With the increasingly widespread use of security equipment, a number of cultural venues and a number of sports venues and other temporary increase in the demand for security equipment is also increasing. Take the lease can reduce equipment investment, reduce maintenance costs, for financial strength is not strong owners, it is a better choice. Meanwhile, the future equipment business services revenues will gradually increase, services will become increasingly prominent role, even the decision will be a key factor in the competitiveness of manufacturers.
Security systems should be integrated with other security systems, including surveillance systems, alarm systems and emergency response systems. From various angles to ensure the effectiveness of the security system in many ways to play. Security system mainly played the role of prevention in advance, event of emergencies, you must rely on other means to reduce the adverse consequences of the event. This requires effective security system integration with other security systems, in order to establish "prior" and "after" the effective coordination of security mechanisms.