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Three new security elements

News Source:    Date:2013-12-15    Hit:1741

October-November each year, are slightly cold season. However, the cold can not stop the enthusiasm of Shenzhen CPSE. Every time this time, domestic security vendors will Eight Immortals recount, to their ultimate trump card to make out, in the show famous. Throughout 2011 the security industry trend, the value of the show to be held on the occasion, the first prediction about 2011 Shenzhen CPSE three elements of security.
Elements of a: POE power supply system
All electronic products are inseparable from the power supply system. Without electricity, all electronic products are not functioning. There are a lot of security products and electronic products. Such as surveillance cameras alarm. And how to get the power that every electronic product must first be solved. With surveillance cameras, for example, the wiring of surveillance cameras is a complex issue. Especially when large scale monitoring of wiring installation almost became the primary consideration. In the wiring at the same time, how to arrange the power cord is clearly a more difficult question. Without electricity, natural surveillance cameras can not operate. POE power supply system to solve exactly this problem. POE power supply in the system, you only need a network cable, you can achieve data transmission, connection, power supply one. Significant savings in equipment cumbersome wiring, reducing costs. At present, the security industry has recognized the importance of the POE power supply system. In this Abou meeting, POE power supply system catches the eye will be a major factor.
Two elements: thermal imaging technology
The earliest thermal imaging technology is mainly used in the military field. Soldiers in the large sand, snow and other low visibility environment through thermal imaging to see the enemy, so as to effectively shoot. In the security field, the application of thermal imaging technology is still lackluster. With the popularity of video surveillance, night vision become clear need to overcome the difficulties of the industry. How at night video surveillance, it has become a new topic for each security industry. The first thermal imaging technology to security monitoring, and achieved good results. Thermal imaging technology solves the problem of surveillance cameras night vision is unclear, but its own deficiencies but also to the industry has brought new concerns. Thermal imaging is a technique for imaging is performed according to the human body and compare the surrounding environment. So long as there is a temperature thing, it will be imaged. This reduces the monitor's accuracy. In addition, thermal imaging technology shows body temperature imaging map, rather than a clear picture. This investigation brought to a security monitoring difficult. Therefore, this exhibition, thermal imaging is bound to attract everyone's eye.
Element III: Integrated Security Systems
With the development of society, a single security appliance has been unable to meet the needs of today's security market. And to create a common vision three-dimensional security is the security industry. Create three-dimensional security system is required for system integration of different security devices have different software. A customer wants the perfect combination of different products together is very difficult. For example: When you set the alarm on the fence alarm, surveillance cameras automatically search targeting to shoot. Monitoring personnel can be manipulated by a system of prevention area of ​​all security equipment to deal with unexpected security incidents. To achieve this effect, it is necessary for system integration. However, the data does not match the index a variety of products, systems are not compatible, manufacturers of non-cooperation and other issues plaguing the development of systems integration. This year's Shenzhen CPSE discussion on system integration will definitely continue.
To sum up:
The annual security exhibition, we spectators are all beauty in the eye, but always changing them in. Security is a permanent topic, let us look forward to the arrival of Shenzhen CPSE.