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From the look of things, security alarm service beneficiaries industry

News Source:    Date:2013-12-15    Hit:1880

In the past, talking about the police service our focus is often easy to focus on technology, but focus on technology for so long, the alarm device for the application of the new technology is still far behind the surveillance, access control and other fields, the image may have been transmission network, radio transmission at the time, We are still discussing if 30 users simultaneously arming, will jam, how many pieces of information uploaded lost, and the final conclusion is due to the principle of limitation. As a manufacturer of alarm products, with customers I somewhat ashamed.
In recent years when the projection of the concept of things, many people began to think that the Internet was not clear, but later found some understanding, sensing, transmission, control and data analysis, is it not the previous alarm system or alarm system It is an application of the Internet of Things? Then a sudden I thought, what things do not any alarm want to do out of the platform, maybe next day, the alarm system platforms in the IOT large platform (which may relate to a stable proprietary platforms issue), similar to television network established, we have to do is show, which is software, hardware is no longer a major concern obstacles and differences.
Beneficiaries - service providers and private end users
For the service provider is the operator, first save the cost of hardware-based networking equipment operators may be integrated into a computer, and the front end may also be only a simple control function sensing equipment and related equipment; secondly, save operational manpower, due to the computer's intervention, associated actions can be pre-set so that unattended operations center as possible; third, based on the transmission and use of computer networks, allowing remote operation of the difficulty smaller operators operating range can be more convenient to expand, of course, part of this expansion may be accompanied by changes in operating mode. I believe that in such a good tool, the operators will find more useful applications, thereby reducing the technical difficulty, the difficulty of the job, operating costs, enhance service competitiveness.
At present, the proportion of reason to accept private alarm services less the country I would like to have a few, the main one is the cost, our people more difficult to accept monthly payments in case of pattern, especially if the costs account for a certain proportion of income When this point and insurance are the same; there is a more prominent issue point is functional requirements, as an individual, it itself does not have the high-level security requirements, then we are alone in this field to promote the police service, most people or do not feel, the recipient may account for only a small proportion of the overall population, did not feel the reason is that this service too passive and single. The IOT entering through the role of the operations center will certainly reduce the cost and expense, and the basic properties of things should have two-way interaction and communication, on this platform operators can develop a more operational services to meet market demand. If the service provider to borrow things that wind, it would be a service operator Genesis milestone.
Competitive point - the quality of service and innovation
When the difference disappears when the master device, how to attract customers? There is no doubt that the service is likely to become one of the core competitiveness, and believe it will be widely recognized, so here I want to talk about innovative operator services.
If the computer appears to extend the human capacity, knowledge emergence of the Internet in front of everyone is equal, then things could really lead to the emergence of the information explosion, imagine the country thousands of vehicles brought traffic data, numerous transport Logistics data produced goods, as well as data from individuals, facilities, goods or even every corner of the world generated by the overwhelming mass of data makes us look suffocation, but these data make it possible to provide innovative services.
Imagine Maybe carriers will provide "full security services", including not only the safety of existing homes; also allows family members to wear "personal tracking alarm system" may be a wristwatch shape, perhaps focused on the phone, with the positioning communication function through network-specific entry may know the location of his family, or even understand life information such as pulse rate and blood pressure (which can also be applied to the elderly care system), individual recourse in case of emergency and with remote communications; home all valuables including car Internet of Things can be uniquely login identification, even though the loss may also know the exact location (by some wireless communication ways, may require the underlying wireless network platform support); and food safety information is to establish a uniform communication protocol and put in the refrigerator can be identified have expired, or even understand each process raw material (which has now been found that companies do try); health of the home environment will also form the data provide reference ......
When the 1995 United intelligence tools Negroponte "Being Digital" in time we might have viewed as a myth, but today, 15 years later, all this has become possible surly, and in the process, the operator innovative services is promising.
Opportunities - manufacturers
In recent years manufacturers whenever mentioned, I will think of Apple. Because when the Sony Walkman's success was regarded as a "changed the way people listen to music in the habit" of the Apple as a computer company to enter, with the five-year time for Sony to become followers of the market; and when the mobile phone market has been regarded as Red, Apple whimsical to put in a little box as sophisticated as sophisticated OSX operating system, resulting in iPhone, and made us all see success. Apple's success is not to create a market, but was able to accurately grasp the new demands of the market and the development of the user, which is, Apple is the manufacturer of the model.
These alarms manufacturers can no longer rest on its laurels because of industrial products maker, before the low penetration of the Chinese market proves that we did not make the product really suitable for China's current national conditions, not found at this stage the best business model; then, in the matter When the tide is approaching this wave of networking, we should pay more attention to the needs of the application layer, rather than behind closed doors did not do pretty product sales.
Pressure point ---- platform system maintenance
In this inference process, the main beneficiaries platform operators, then the system will maintain the platform will be the main carriers. Large operators such as telecommunications carriers now in platform maintenance should be no technical or financial pressure; and now the majority of operators in the police service with high technical requirements in maintenance platform is having great pressure, then this business model also the lack of a role to assume this responsibility, of course, this also creates opportunities for a new small industry.
Things may come to a time-based operations will generate a lot of new types of service providers and operators, perhaps for a high security level which is independent of the police service, and for the pursuit of cost for users will be packaged with other police services new services based on Internet of Things one. But I believe that the application of things to improve the quality of life of the popularity of the group will reduce a lot of frustration, such changes may be able to use the invention of the telephone, compared with the letter of communication. But more importantly, it created a possibility, so that the consumer alarm service operations, customized, civilians, leveraging the consumer market will expand the existing size of the market several times, this, Liguo, the people. Future development, I prefer a point: the security industry will be incorporated into things, into a widely Things foundation.